
A workshop leading to excellence

Become a change agent:

- in your own life


- invest yourself in others

Leadership is not a position or title -

Leadership is influence.

In professional life just as much in private life:

People matter - people make the difference.

Learn to lead yourself and thus become a leader who bestows greatness on others.

Once our minds are set and we believe we know how things are, we stop searching for new and better information.

This often leads to a resistance towards change and growth is stopped.

Subconcsiously we accept limits and these thought patters lead to stagnation.

A set mindset is the primary factor limiting our sucess, growth and well-being in an increasingly changing environment.

The Breakthrough Workshop explains the functionaliy of the human mind and demonstrates the impact of the mind through various activities and discussions.

Breakthrough will help you question your life patterns, open you mentally and you will gain new excitement for creating the anticipated future.

Are you going through a season of change?

Are you entering a new phase in your life?

Do you want to initiate change in your life, your company or your organisation?

How can you prepare yourself and your team members for the future?

All true and lasting change works its way from the inside to the outside to be visible in reality.

The Breakthrough Workshop will enable you to identify your true potential as well as your restrictions.

It will enhance mental growth within each participant, first individually and then as a team.

Breathrough will empower you to set good goals in your life and enable you to develop the energy to achieve your goals  Finding long-term and sustainable success implies that you are able to set goals for each important area in your life.

Breakthrough will assist you in living a balanced life and by finding your uniqueness and purpose you will find contentment.

Breakthrough Workshop will be very helpful for people who are expected to think and work independently. They will comfortably develop vision for the future and find creative solutions in an ever changing environment.

A scientific inquiry from The Stanford Research Institute shows:

87.5% people knowledge

12.5% product knowledge

=> success

President Teddy Roosevelt:

"The most important single ingredient to the formula of success is

knowing how to get along with people."

- develop your leadership skills

- balance your life

- enable you to create a vision and inspire others.

- build mental strength and social competence

- question and improve your attitudes and habits

- create new perspective in business and personal life

- enable you to grow beyond your comfort zone

- convey knowledge and skills to handle challenging situations

-  teach how to live and lead by inspiration

- coach you in setting good goals and mastering the dynamics required to achieve those goals individually and corporately

Book your Breakthrough Workshop

Change management:

True change starts at the belief-level

For more information download the brochure

Our present thoughts determine our future