The process

The process:

There are three modules to the Breakthrough Workshop.

The first module focusses on the individual, the second on team and the third on larger circle of influence.

Ideally they are booked in sequence to keep up the momentum and maximise growth. One to two months in between the modules allows the participants to apply the new techniques and gain practical experience.

Subconciously we accept limits and live within those as they distinguish the possible from the impossible to us. These thought patters keep us stuck in our circumstances and prohibit us from moving and shaping our business and our lives in a quickly changing environment. This Breakthrough Workshop initiates sustained change by identifying limiting thought patterns and offers powerful concepts tobreak free from this “stuckness” and encourages us to go beyond our perceived boundaries.

Breakthrough helps you find the strength to initiate the change you desire at a core level. True and lasting change works from the inside out; you and your team members will be empowered to reach your goals naturally and in a self-sustaining way.

The focus for growth will be in four areas: personal effectiveness, leadership effectiveness, the effectiveness of the team, and the effectiveness of the organisation.


The Breakthrough Workshop consist of three modules, ideally booked in a sequence over a period of nine weeks.

Module One (a three day workshop) engages individuals on a personal level, helping them discover more about how each of us thinks and how our minds actually work.

In Module Two (two days) the focus shifts from the individual to the team, learning how individuals can best operate as a group.

Module Three (two days) expands the focus to larger groups, exploring how we can have a positive influence on larger corporations and other large groups of people.  Between each module there is a month for personal application and practice of the newly acquired techniques.

This Breakthrough Workshop can also be individualized to comply to your specific need.

We behave and act not according to the truth,

but according to the truth as we perceive it to be.

- develop your leadership skills

- balance your life

- enable you to create a vision and inspire others.

- build mental strength and social competence

- question and improve your attitudes and habits

- create new perspective in business and personal life

- enable you to grow beyond your comfort zone

- convey knowledge and skills to handle challenging situations

-  teach how to best motivate yourself and others

- coach you in setting good goals and mastering the dynamics required to achieve those goals individually and corporately

Book your Breakthrough Workshop

For more information download the brochure

Our present thoughts determine our future